Para in a sentence as a noun

The word 'Service' is capitalised, implying that there's a definition elsewhere in the ToS. I found it at the end of the very first paragraph.

If he isn't allowed to say 'jest', why do you get away with 'para-academic elitism' and 'rhetorical affectations'?

The complete para is :"But though I was none the worse for having neglected exercise, I am still paying the penalty of another neglect. I do not know whence I got the notion that good handwriting was not a necessary part of education, but I retained it until I went to England.

Acetaminophen and paracetamol are just various shortenings of the name.

How is a democracy functional when a secret and parallel government has access to undisclosed powers which override those of the existing democracy?

This isn't just an issue of separation of power between branches of government -- citizens are forced through law to hide the existence of this para-judicial system, as if it is a phantom of our minds.

There are many different types of .223 caliber rifles, many of which are bolt-action and don't fall into the "oooh scary looking para-military-like assault rifle category".

When I read that remark, I recalled reading a recent interview of Groupon's COO and I quote this para:In 2007, he started Global Scholar to help teachers give differentiated education to kids using technology.

I anticipate the multi-paragraph responses from HN's vast army of copyfighters and respond only with "well that's why we get to choose between Adobe's service and the crappy fonts on Google Fonts, and Trebuchet and Arial".

Particularly galling pull-out para:"Together the permission to search and to keep data longer expanded the NSAs authority in significant ways without public debate or any specific authority from Congress.

Para definitions


(obstetrics) the number of liveborn children a woman has delivered; "the parity of the mother must be considered"; "a bipara is a woman who has given birth to two children"

See also: parity


100 para equal 1 dinar in Yugoslavia


a soldier in the paratroops

See also: paratrooper


an estuary in northern Brazil into which the Tocantins River flows

See also: Para


port city in northern Brazil in the Amazon delta; main port and commercial center for the Amazon River basin

See also: Belem Para