Pamphlet in a sentence as a noun

They also have a tips pamphlet for quick reading but limited details [2].

I once received a pamphlet from a "friendship committee" with North Korea.

Can someone explain why putting an image of the prison's master key on an inmate pamphlet makes any sense?

No one is going to hand you a pamphlet, entitled: "Your rights, and lack thereof" and roll out the details of how they will all be taken away.

Understand that the Justice department pamphlet is how they would like it to be interpreted but how it is actually interpreted is based on case law.

The ballot pamphlet mailed to all California voters lays out the text of all proposed laws as well as arguments for and against, mentioning sponsor and source.

Franklin, Hamilton and Adams wrote pamphlets anonymously with the precise expectation that the content be public while the writer stay anonymous.

Frankly, Rothbard's book is not particularly likely to change the mind of anyone with a good grasp of economics or finance because it's basically an extended political pamphlet which doesn't actually address the arguments economists make against the gold standard.

Oregon's media shield law applies to people who are "connected with, employed by or engaged in any medium of communication to the public", and defines "any medium of communication" thus:Medium of communication has its ordinary meaning and includes, but is not limited to, any newspaper, magazine or other periodical, book, pamphlet, news service, wire service, news or feature syndicate, broadcast station or network, or cable television system.

Pamphlet definitions


a small book usually having a paper cover

See also: booklet brochure folder leaflet


a brief treatise on a subject of interest; published in the form of a booklet

See also: tract