Overmuch in a sentence as a noun

I'm assuming that as an author of fairly hard sci-fi Banks would not mind overmuch if he was resurrected as a "mere" upload.

Overmuch in a sentence as an adjective

But it's telling that the issue had to strike at a political leader for anyone in the political class to care about it overmuch.

Overmuch in a sentence as an adverb

Since Wall Street has largely captured both parties, a plutocrat can vote on social issues without worrying overmuch about their pocketbook.

Overmuch definitions


a quantity that is more than what is appropriate; "four-year-olds have an overabundance of energy"; "we received an inundation of email"

See also: overabundance overmuchness superabundance


very great in quantity; overabundant; "showed overmuch affection"


more than necessary; "she eats too much"; "let's not blame them overmuch"