Overconfident in a sentence as an adjective

That could be it, but it could also be that hacker news folks tend to be overconfident.

Maybe Apple was overconfident, maybe Google was playing hard ball for Android's sake, maybe a bit of both.

It's like a grandparent trying to calm down their overconfident, arrogant child.

The vulnerabilities here are clear: these guys have big mouths and they're overconfident.

They could be way more scientific about their medication selection if they wanted to be [1][2] but most psychiatrists are overconfident in their own judgement.

My impression is that people are overconfident in their ability to plan an invasion and under-confident in their ability to pitch manure.

Startups don't need men either---men are prone to irrational risky behavior, overconfident, and inconsiderate.

Playing it really provides some interesting insights to how the AI effectively functions, by slowly getting the human players to come unglued, either by targeting stragglers or letting the best players get too overconfident and move ahead of the team.

Sound familiar?More bluntly, we seem primed to confidently see history as an inevitable march toward a theory-predicted global conflict with an alien united them determined to oppose our core symbolic values, making infeasible overly-risky overconfident plans to oppose them.

Quote Examples using Overconfident

Probably, but it's not a man vs. woman issue. It's an overconfident person vs. everybody else issue. It's as much a problem for non-overconfident men as it is for non-overconfident women.


Overconfident definitions


marked by excessive confidence; "an arrogant and cocksure materialist"; "so overconfident and impudent as to speak to the queen"; "the less he knows the more positive he gets"

See also: cocksure positive