Outmanoeuvre in a sentence as a verb

The source you posted seems to support my point, that America was outmanoeuvred.

You could definitely outmanoeuvre them with some effort.

Were it not for how crappy Chinese banking is and the difficulty onboarding they easily could have been outmanoeuvred here.

This was the codebreak that truly gave the Allies the ability to outmanoeuvre the Germans at a strategic level.

Knights can be easily outmanoeuvred - it is easy to render a knight useless for one move and thereby gain some space to turn a check against you into a more favorable position.

> There's an official denial of a "green light"Have you considered the possibility that a green light was, in fact, not given, and that Putin has simply outmanoeuvred America in this case?

You can see the small army outmanoeuvre the larger enemy by individual control of units - it's hard to explain why it is impressive in just words, but the joy of watching good micromanagement is a core feature of spectating starcraft games.

Sony owns a content distribution network, record label, gaming studio, film studio, tvs, phones, media players and storage medium - basically they own the _entire stack_ and yet Netflix and Spotify managed to wade into their territory and outmanoeuvre them.

Outmanoeuvre definitions


defeat by more skillful maneuvering; "The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans"; "My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations"

See also: outmaneuver outsmart