Oscilloscope in a sentence as a noun

Start at oscilloscope, but what's a cathode ray?

A few years ago, I wanted to build an oscilloscope in my pocket, so I went ahead and did it.

I admit I've been window shopping new oscilloscopes, including ones I'll never be able to afford...

My team was the last to succeed in getting numerical data from the 20-year-old oscilloscope via floppy disk.

When power is applied, if you look at it on an oscilloscope, it looked like the most horrible noise you'd ever seen --except this noise was actually powering the board.

If every EE hacker needs an oscilloscope, every bioengineer hacker needs a PCR machine.

Never compared against the AD device but did compare them once against your standard 741 and the difference is obvious, eben simply by looking at the signal on an oscilloscope.

Ok, here, buy a new $100k laser / $20k UV-vis-IR spectrometer / $10k multi-channel scaler / $10k oscilloscope / whatever.

Should porn be suspected then the source material would obviously be patched through to a monitor 'just in case'.Note that the oscilloscope was analog and that the image would be changing 25/30 times a second.

From the article:>> One puzzling aspect of power supply discussion in the book Steve Jobs[1] is the statement that the Apple II's power supply is "like those used in oscilloscopes", since oscilloscopes are just one small use for switching power supplies.

This statement apparently arose because Holt had previously designed a switching power supply for oscilloscopes,[82] but there's no other connection between Apple's power supply and oscilloscope power supplies.

Oscilloscope definitions


electronic equipment that provides visual images of varying electrical quantities

See also: scope