Ordinal in a sentence as a noun

An ordinal scale with 'select all that apply'?!

Just biject it to an ordinal number whose elements are ordinal numbers!

If you think of them as ordinal numbers for describing the position in a list, then it is clear they should start at 1.

If the standard says that ####-## is a year-month date with month granularity, and you interpret it as an ordinal date, then that's a clear violation.

Ordinal in a sentence as an adjective

From a mathematical perspective, if you treat them in an ordinal fashion they are poorly behaved, and if you treat them categorically, you lose the relationship between stars.

How is looping through an array or accessing its last element for a frequent operation?In every non-computer related document one will found ordinal numbers starting from 1 and n-element sets with the number of the last element being n. Now thanks to the zero-based indexing one has to always switch back and forth between two ways of counting things, depending if one writes/reads code or prose.

Peirce figured out electrical gates could be used to implement boolean logic 50 years before Shannon, axiomatised the natural numbers before Peano, made the distinction of cardinal and ordinal before Cantor & nobody knows who he ******* was because he was a chemist.

Ordinal definitions


the number designating place in an ordered sequence


of or relating to a taxonomic order; "family and ordinal names of animals and plants"


being or denoting a numerical order in a series; "ordinal numbers"; "held an ordinal rank of seventh"