Optimistic in a sentence as an adjective

We've fended that off for years, and I'm optimistic we'll continue to.

I hope this case ends well for Speak for Yourself but honestly, I'm not too optimistic.

But you can be almost the same person, still optimistic and trusting, just a little less naive.

One should be optimistic because Newegg is putting up the good fight and winning rather often.

It's probably too early for themI remain optimistic that these things can be standardized in the future.

Fantastic!Let's concoct some overly optimistic growth statistics for how this will stimulate the Kenyan economy.

I'd much rather have a comfortable living, travel the world and be optimistic that i will have no problems buying a nice house for me and my spouse/family if i need to/should i want to.

If you buy now, you're betting on a clearly ridiculously-optimistic valuation being not quite ridiculously-optimistic enough.

But colour me happy exactly for that reason, because HN exceeded all of my expectations in the last weeks -- I learned so much from reading the discussions, and read so many comments that made me feel optimistic about the ability of people to think.

Optimistic definitions


expecting the best in this best of all possible worlds; "in an optimistic mood"; "optimistic plans"; "took an optimistic view"


expecting the best; "an affirmative outlook"

See also: affirmative