Opposer in a sentence as a noun

Jordan Klepper might be the opposer you're looking for.

Or generated by a Google opposer to get people to stop using Google.

It's not like the opposer is citing the literature too.

I am a huge opposer of legalization, because I've seen what pot has done to people I care about.

An Aereo opposer could claim that leasing to your neighbor would itself be a copyright violation.

I would bet the biggest opposer to divorce will be the INS ... imagine the Green Card businesses that would enable!

I would bet the biggest opposer to polygamy will be the INS ... imagine the Green Card businesses that would enable!

Or are you a sectarian opposer of Scientology?

I'm a staunch defender of free speech and opposer of censorship, but when people are being mass-murdered, with more people at risk of being mass-murdered in the future, it's no longer just about speech.

It's very possible the supposed hacker is a Clinton supporter and/or Trump opposer and when deciding which documents to publish they naturally tended toward documents which make Clinton look good and/or make Trump look bad.

Hopefully an EMR manufacturer will publicly respond to these concerns, else this can become the general view of EMRs if for no other reason than a quick Google search on EMRs will likely result in this article, thus giving any opposer the necessary ammunition for an argument.

Opposer definitions


someone who offers opposition

See also: adversary antagonist opponent resister