Onward in a sentence as an adverb

The driver hit several low bars and signs and plowed onward until the bridge cut the top off.

Then data sciences came along and said "wow we can use these GPU's" and onward marches the power of the GPU.

I'm willing to change just one thing, retest, tweak another, retest and onward until the problem starts to present itself.

Some might see that as a bit of a head-in-sand perspective; ie. one that conveniently avoids considering the onward effects of one's actions.

Some black box algorithm determines that this guy acts in a way that is above some threshold and your life will be somewhat more shitty from that day onward.

This is statism, which has been on the rise off and on through from the 20th century onward and has taken a significant uptick in the last few decades.

I had reoccurring nightmares from the time I was a child onward that I was being attacked by demons, or that a family member was actually a demon waiting to **** me.

But, I am highly mistrustful of Facebook, and consider some of their tactics and goals deeply unethical, so I wanted to point out that what many are viewing as a neutral "technology marches ever onward" sort of thing is really more a situation of a few companies extracting value from exposing people's private lives, and constantly being on the look out for more ways to extract that value and more ways to profit from that erosion of privacy.

Onward definitions


forward in time or order or degree; "from that time forth"; "from the sixth century onward"

See also: forth forward


in a forward direction; "go ahead"; "the train moved ahead slowly"; "the boat lurched ahead"; "moved onward into the forest"; "they went slowly forward in the mud"

See also: ahead onwards forward forwards forrader