Oddball in a sentence as a noun

And these are not unique or oddball edge cases.

And even then, there's just really oddball **** that comes out of left field.

One says "black", the other says "white" and then you have some oddball that says, "potato.

Porting it to OpenVMS, which is a real oddball among modern operating systems took several days.

Certainly, complaining that the oddball philosophy of one of the four founders is not featured in the lab tour is ridiculous.

You claimed it was odd that people would buy based on X when it's clearly you that are the oddball running extremely performance critical tests that demand specific hardware.

If you live in a small village where everyone knows everyone then the oddball or outcast will naturally be viewed with curiosity and suspicion.

When the Bleichenbacher e=3 attack happened, the monoculture helped: the most popular TLS clientsides weren't vulnerable, but the oddballs were.

If other companies are finally starting to outpace Apple, it's inevitable given Apple's oddball management decisions.

Oddball definitions


a person with an unusual or odd personality

See also: eccentric flake geek