Octogenarian in a sentence as a noun

An octogenarian who looks and ***** like a 25 year old?

You want to zoom, you search for an icon, then click on it, then it zooms stumbled like an octogenarian.

I'd take the word of an octogenarian with more weight than a 20-something on that issue.

The amount of things a college grad can do with a million dollars is vastly bigger than the choice an octogenarian has.

What about established octogenarian black female vs upcoming white straight young male?

Basically, you drive like a Florida octogenarian, everyone else on the road hates you and it takes longer to go places.

"It’s about getting seven billion people in touch with Jacob"Male, female, straight, gay, married, single, infant, octogenarian, ...

Combine that with ignorant octogenarian judges, equals one messed up "justice" system.

Octogenarian in a sentence as an adjective

Should a Japanese octogenarian whose parents had the poor taste to spell their child's name with a character that would not make it into Unicode expect the same problem?

See also the octogenarian barbarians who are so deadly precisely because they've had a lifetime of experience of not dying.

Lapham is an octogenarian and very old school in many ways, but has still managed to pull off the print/web hybrid format in a way that Harper's hasn't. I can easily imagine an alternate reality where LQ is a Harper's vertical as opposed to an independent breakaway journal.

I kind of get it when my Dad's octogenarian buddies forward me some email thread claiming that half of California's population consists of undocumented workers.

Even if it means fluffing up an octogenarian with a visual deteriorating memory function against a thoroughbred Arabian horse in the race.

He's not suggesting that we need internet censorship because of this, he's suggesting this is why ignorant octogenarian legislators think we need internet censorship.

Possibly true, but it's an interesting for of poetic justice for all works upcoming young black females to be inherently more valuable than than yet another bestselling sequel by an established octogenarian white male.

According to four people who regularly talk to Biden, all of whom asked for anonymity to discuss internal campaign matters, it is virtually inconceivable that he will run for reelection in 2024, when he would be the first octogenarian president.

Octogenarian definitions


someone whose age is in the eighties


being from 80 to 89 years old