Occlusive in a sentence as a noun

Technically speaking, the product is called an "occlusive display".

I was actually pretty upset because I thought that might have been what the Rails team was trying to do --- to come up with an occlusive patch, like you're advocating.

Or like fiber optic diagnostic microscopes, are we going to issue fully occlusive goggles that display a camera feed?

Occlusive in a sentence as an adjective

Sidenote, while a band-aid won't help a sucking chest wound, an occlusive dressing to halt the progress of the pneumothorax can be improvised with a piece of plastic laid over the wound and tape on three sides.

In my opinion, "privilege" is a little bit of an occlusive term used to paper over the complex idea of socioeconomic class and the ways that it has historically been passed down.

Occlusive definitions


a consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some point and suddenly releasing it; "his stop consonants are too aspirated"

See also: stop plosive


tending to occlude