Obstinate in a sentence as a verb

My friend is so obstinate I cannot complete step 2, and now there is severe drought.

However, that really doesn't fit with the auditor's obstinate response.

Contacts with the app review team are scarce, and they can be obstinate even if you do manage to find somebody to talk to.

It's the obstinate, malicious, willful unwillingness to admit and correct the error.

But the absolute worst part of her experience was the completely obstinate, bizarre OS X window switching and minimizing behavior.

Obstinate in a sentence as an adjective

Despite obstinate grammarians, 'they' serves as a singular gender-neutral pronoun pretty well.

I wish I could downvote you.[1] In the dictionary sense of the word, as in "having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of one's own opinions and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others".

> I support his right to be a bigotAccording to Google, "bigotry" is defined as "having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of one's own opinions and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others.

He's just being obstinate here.- It's laughable to say that the Tesla fell short of its projected range when the projected range was from the day before, before not plugging it in on a cold night.- Tesla and Broder directly contradict each other on whether they gave him the go-ahead to stop charging after an hour in Norwich.

Will we get an apology for being so obstinate and narrow-minded, too?How about a promise to never again shove always-on down the throats of their customers, and admit that it's a fruitless effort to exert absolute control over the ways users play their games?How about Blizzard and Diablo 3, where you feel lag in a game that's predominantly single player?

Obstinate definitions


persist stubbornly; "he obstinates himself against all rational arguments"


tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield

See also: stubborn unregenerate


stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing

See also: cussed obdurate unrepentant


resistant to guidance or discipline; "Mary Mary quite contrary"; "an obstinate child with a violent temper"; "a perverse mood"; "wayward behavior"

See also: contrary perverse wayward