Numbness in a sentence as a noun

That numbness makes me sad, where did my innocence go?

It was really quite bad, I had nerve pain 24/7, numbness, soreness, you name it.

First, breath stops, then for a few seconds numbness in chest and jaw, then face turns pale and soon red.

It's a numbness to being objectified, passed around and drained of value.

When I read articles like this one I'm always amazed at how well the tone of numbness carries through.

I don't want to do anything, but I do want to do something to distract me away from my awful feeling of numbness.

At its worst, my arms would be numb when I woke up, I had sustained numbness in one hand for weeks, at one point I couldn't physically hold a mouse more than 15 minutes.

So when I found myself sitting in my chair with shooting pains and numbness in my left arm, and severe chest pain, my first thought was "well ****, time to call 911 because I'm having a heart attack".

Like someone who's so afraid of experiencing any degree of anger or disappointment that they philosophize their way to vapidity and numbness.

> How would a public insurance option change this?Because when the guy who eats donuts has some numbness in his foot due to Type 2 diabetes, he's going to go to a doctor for advice since he has insurance.

There's probably a decent chance that, had I gone to school, given my lateness, I might have been a bit closer to the action - the moral of which I take to be "skipping school saved my life"Looking back now, I remember how the sense of relief I felt very quickly turned to a sense of despair and numbness, as more and more pictures came on the TV and more details emerged.

Numbness definitions


partial or total lack of sensation in a part of the body; a symptom of nerve damage or dysfunction


the trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally

See also: apathy indifference spiritlessness