Nullity in a sentence as a noun

While reading it the second time, "How dare you wedge such a nullity when everyone uses google?

Under the new operating system, that warrant is a nullity.

There was a professor who tried to get around this a couple years ago by defining a special value called "nullity.

But typed arrays and nullity tracking doesn't seem like some advanced Clojure-only tech, to me.

We still retain the other 3 even if the ballot box becomes an effective nullity, and in our Federal system it won't likely be so at the state level.

As the point of law is to provide rules to guide conduct, "retroactive law" is something of a semantic nullity -- it cannot possibly guide behavior because its guidance is not knowable as people behave.

Of course some apps become a nullity without some access, but an unhandled security exception in those cases could result, for example, in a more-detailed system message asking if you want to uninstall the app, since you have decided against giving it permissions that the developer has decided are essential.

Not the previous poster, and not a maths expert by any means, but for example there are parallels between the rank-nullity theorem in linear algebra, the orbit stabiliser theorem in group theory, the splitting lemma in homological algebra, and the Fredholm alternative in functional analysis.

The nice think about nullity annotations is that the newest JVM languages like Ceylon and Kotlin are building nullity into their type systems, so if you annotate an API in this way, code written in these new languages will know automatically that the reference can be null and the compiler won't let you access it at all until you tested or asserted away the nullness.

Nullity definitions


the state of nonexistence

See also: nothingness void nihility


something that is null (especially an enactment that has no legal validity)