Noumenon in a sentence as a noun

If you both want to see the mystery replace 'the real world' with 'noumenon' and read some Immanuel Kant.

[1] There Kant defines the phenomenon and the noumenon, sort of as aspects of everything that isn't us.

This is also the conclusion of Kant, free will is impossible to prove or disprove as it’s a question of the noumenon.

The phenomenon is what we perceive, the noumenon is the "thing-in-itself" which lies beyond our perception.

We just have to accept that nothing is completely provable in any concrete sense, and people will disagree about the noumenon.

Of course, you can come up with probabilities regarding some conjectures you have regarding the noumenon, but as you can never get to the noumenon there's no way to test or verify them, so they're completely pointless and essentially arbitrary.

The fact that you could launch cannonballs from now until the heat death of the universe without seeing this effect at a scale you would typically notice is inconsequential, Newton's equations are still merely a useful approximation and they are not isomorphic to the behavior of the noumenon.

If we start calling higher order configurations "real" then we have to contend with all of the potentially imaginable subdivisions of the noumenon and either grant them all realness or find some arbitrary criteria upon which to deny some of those subdivisions the property of realness.

This is actually pretty common in academic literature: whenever people are trying to reconstruct the meaning of certain concept, like Aristotle's "entelechy" or like Kant's "noumenon", sometimes we have to refer to different passages of the relevant corpus in order to get a clearer picture of what it might have meant.

The fact that Plato and Lao Tzu articulated that the noumenon is fundamentally unknowable does not make the fact that evolution results in processes which actively obscure raw data about the world uninteresting; it could theoretically be the case that evolution tended towards more accurate data over time in all processes while still being the case that base reality is unknowable.

Noumenon definitions


the intellectual conception of a thing as it is in itself, not as it is known through perception

See also: thing-in-itself