Nonexistence in a sentence as a noun

Groupon is one good class-action lawsuit away from nonexistence.

I'll save those details for another day, however, it suffices to say that I was confident that I was drawing the correct conclusion about the nonexistence of god.

Oftentimes, choosing nonexistence to loss of freedom, prison rape, and in general the hollow, empty existence of a caged animal is NOT an irrational choice.

To be certain of the existence of God and to be certain of the nonexistence of God seem to me to be the confident extremes in a subject so riddled with doubt and uncertainty as to inspire very little confidence indeed".I think the point of the article isn't that atheism is unscientific; confident, undoubted atheism is unscientific.

Nonexistence definitions


the state of not existing

See also: nonentity