Nonchalance in a sentence as a noun

I've done pretty well myself, despite my nonchalance.

I think nonchalance is arguing more to the point that this was not a "lottery winner.

It's kind of a fun game, striking that balance between nonchalance and making your intentions clear.

A lot of people are criticizing Schneier for lack of empathy or too much nonchalance.

I never understood the nonchalance of parents who had just been puked on. But when I found myself there I understood.

The very reason why even I'll miss big bookstores is because of their nonchalance towards what they're selling.

I'm not from here but the nonchalance most native Californians have about the drought is quite alarming.

"How is it not awesome that someone can detect and prevent a major infirmity with such nonchalance and grit?

But his tenure as a Prime Minister is largely remembered for his missteps and his general nonchalance to everything that happened around him.

I'm baffled at the seeming nonchalance of startups developing "high security" banking apps, certainly.

Reckon me a zealot, but I really wish Facebook and alike die out of the hunger that makes them the greedy animals they are. Everything one might get excited about, gets sold to a stupid trust, and die of lack of enthusiasm and nonchalance of those companies.

His general nonchalance towards issues of privacy is astounding and will go a long way towards shaping how his second term in office is recounted in history books: not good!

Thank you for your thoughtful response.> The people most in need of good policy, at the price of an acceptable nonchalance regarding a president's mere presentability - minorities - made their voices heard by voting for Trump.

What could be the side effects of the self-selected nonchalance of the many?I was once told that to talk about a problem without providing a solution is not a good way to advance in society, but, really, I'm completely at a loss.

Nonchalance definitions


the trait of remaining calm and seeming not to care; a casual lack of concern

See also: unconcern indifference