Non-white in a sentence as an adjective

Find a token [non-white-male] to fill the spot?

Or is it only non-white liberals who get booted?

The people of NYC have decided that it's fair for non-white juveniles to be subject to stopping & frisking anytime, for no cause.

At some point very smart people, who happen to be non-white, are going to realize that they would rather be somewhere else and we will be the lesser for it.

Unless the detractors were complete reprobates, I doubt their reasoning was "You guys should include a non-white female for balance's sake!

Women and non-white people can be assholes too and I would like to retain the right call them as such without being accused of sexism or racism.\nThough this right might be long gone.

Sure the US still have a lot to do to improve its visa system, but the American way of life and its people, makes the US the most attractive place to go for non-whites techies.

Most tech immigrants are non-whites so I think a debate over immigration should take into account the quality of life for the techies and their family.

"I'm a white dude whose biological parent is non-white dude who grew up in a disadvantaged socio-economic background, and I got to tell you that is probably one of the more offensive lines I have read recently.

This is controversial but it is my personal experience: As a non-white, living in Germany is hard; the level of bigotry and racism in my opinion makes the nuisance of the US visa system negligible.

Non-white definitions


having skin rich in melanin pigments; "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People"; "dark-skinned peoples"

See also: colored coloured dark dark-skinned