Non-jew in a sentence as a noun

The "loophole" if you will is the non-jew pressing the buttons, and that's fine.

That's not a problem for the non-jew, but a jew should not use an elevator knowing it's going to cause someone to violate the shabbos.

Well, I guess it's time for me to identify as a non-jew just long enough to pick up some easy cash!Seriously, how does this strike anybody as acceptable?

I don't know how would that be ruled, but I remember reading that it's allowed to let non-jew servants perform tasks on the sabbath, though I have no idea if it's accepted by the Hasidics.

The dispute is if it's enough to avoid clearing payments, or if you should avoid taking any orders altogether.> It would be the equivalent of delegating that responsibility to a non-jew.

Non-jew definitions


a Christian as contrasted with a Jew

See also: gentile non-Jew