Nominalism in a sentence as a noun

You would have to take the nominalism side if you think 'math' is 'science' and not philosophy.

This is just the age old question of nominalism vs realism

In his case, the motivation was his own nominalism.

The traditional names for the sides would be "realism" and "nominalism".

Are you saying that two thousand years of nominalism vs. realism are based on a misunderstanding of Plato?

How can nominalism be defined for a nominalist?How does a nominalist account for Godel?

That actually just sounds like good old fashioned nominalism or fictionalism--you'd have to sketch out a more detailed story, but I don't think it's actually distinct.

"Buridan's monumental work is the best introduction to late-medieval Ockhamist nominalism" doesn't go very far in that direction.

" Names, essences in the process view expanded further along the ontological spectrum than the ad hoc naming of Occam/nominalism, but never so far as Platonic 'ideals' which are eternal and unchanging.

Nominalism definitions


(philosophy) the doctrine that the various objects labeled by the same term have nothing in common but their name