Nomad in a sentence as a noun

I don't care if it has less space than a nomad, just don't make me be its servant.

The guy has been living like a nomad. He gave away his book rights earlier to pay for his and the organization's defense.

I'm a nomad. I would rent thru AirBnB for 365 nights a year if they provided the service that they originally set out to provide.

As I remember it, Facebook didn't have wireless either, and had less space than a nomad.

I'm a digital nomad, I work all over the world, I'm not about to lug a 446 page django book with me wherever I go. There are several developers who like to search for and bookmark stuff in their ebooks.

So, I think the "broke artist" price distributions would better reflect what a remote working nomad would be looking for, instead of the "upper middle class" prices.

Many people have little difficulty opening up their laptop and forgetting the rest of the world for an 8 hour stretch, and this would be the type of person who would do well as a digital nomad. If you need peace and stability in order to code - and many, many people do - then it's a bad choice.

Quote Examples using Nomad

I am nomadic. I have no dependents, and a severe case of wanderlust. My impression, after many conversations on the matter, is that this is a mild form of insanity. I think that I have my lifestyle more or less sorted out at the moment, but I have in the past been more or less willing to trade stability and an income above the poverty line for the freedom to search for a place that perhaps I want to live. I'm from Alaska originally, and don't particularly enjoy or identify with the rest of the US, so hopefully this is at least somewhat understandable. I digress. I know exactly the kind of perspective from which $25k per annum is considered wealth. I also know the freedom that comes from not being owned by possessions -- and I hope that MMM does as well. You can still practice accumulation on a budget, but it's hard to see that as a healthy motivation. Being rich is not dying with the most toys. Although I don't believe the majority the HN community would agree with that sentiment. To be a nomad, you are forced to make a very deliberate choice about every possession.


Nomad definitions


a member of a people who have no permanent home but move about according to the seasons