Noggin in a sentence as a noun

And a swat on the noggin with a baton is very distracting indeed.

Sometimes I can't sleep because the ol' noggin won't shut off and thoughts fly at a million miles an hour, its a certain feeling that burns you from within.

Much harder to use your noggin and figure out a position where everybody is genuinely happy.

It sounds like they struck the creative-work motivators of autonomy, mastery, and purpose[1] on the noggin.

The caffeine will activate cAMP, causing some dilation of cerebral blood vessels, getting more profusion to the noggin, helping overcome the headache.

My electrostatics course forced memorization on us and I spent more time shoving formulas into my noggin instead of applying concepts to solve actual problems.

Noggin definitions


informal terms for a human head

See also: attic bean bonce noodle dome