Niner in a sentence as a noun

"five" and "nine" are tough to distinguish; that's why in radio comm we say, "niner.

> People should also adopt the "five" [sic] vs [sic] "niner" idiomI assume you mean 'fife' and?

English phonetic alphabets used for radio had pronunciations like 'tree' for 3 and 'niner' for 9.

Most of the digits sound distinct enough that they don't get confused- except "nine", which can sound like "five" over a bad radio link, and is therefore pronounced "niner".

It sounds a little bit like air traffic control: "roger dev gbe zero niner alpha one you are cleared for proto kernel scope link strip 4 dash 7 F L 11400 gamma zulu src please copy.

I believe the use of the pronunciation ‘niner’ instead of ‘nine‘ was because nine could be too easily confused with ‘five’.And ‘port’ replaced ‘larboard’ in the 19th century to avoid confusion.

Niner definitions


the cardinal number that is the sum of eight and one

See also: nine ennead