Nighttime in a sentence as a noun

Just a few years ago I realized that my nighttime asthma problems were caused by acid reflex and I stopped taking my asthma medicine and replaced it with acid reducers.

The phenomenon doesn't affect the daylight/nighttime ratio or insolation or temperatures like the seasonal cycle does.

I used to live in a smallish city in Canada where aurora borealis was a common nighttime event and every time I've been back and seen them again I've appreciated and been wowed by them more.

From the article summary:tamoxifen caused a dramatic regression of tumors in animals with either high nighttime levels of melatonin during complete darkness or those receiving melatonin supplementation during dim light at night exposure.

Maybe my grandkids will receive one of my old programmer's workstations from my work place, and use that deprecated hardware to teach themselves programming and find it a thousand times more interesting than playing games on their phones, much like my predecessors managed to hook themselves up with cheap nighttime computing time in a mainframe at their father's workplace and abused those cycles to write games to entertain themselves.

Nighttime definitions


the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside

See also: night dark