Nettle in a sentence as a noun

He saw.>> A field of stiff weeds and thistles and tufted nettle-bunches.

Also, the two pointy frilly leaves are stinging nettle.

With good friends you can nettle them; say terrible things and we know that's it's all in good fun, a ritual of sorts.

I'm glad to see T-Mobile grasping this nettle, but they're buing a bit disingenuous.

Sticks, couple of nettle stems and a few minutes flintknapping and you had a perfectly good blade.

I'm on a stinging nettle + mate tea combination but slowly need something new for my taste buds

You'll see that for example openssl uses perl to generate assembly, and nettle also uses native code.

Nettle in a sentence as a verb

It was already a while ago, stumbled across the hand coded i386 assembler in, if I recall correctly, nettle at that time.

Is that a stinging nettle understory or protected wild flowers?My hunch is that most of these questions could be better answered using traditional data and methods.

We collected grass, goose-foot, burdocks, rotten potatoes and made pancakes, soups from putrid beans or nettles.> Collected clay from the trees and ate it, ate sparrows, pigeons, cats, dead and live dogs.

The typical commercial opportunity of extracting grape seed constituents has been for chemicals known as polyphenols having antioxidant activity in vitro" The stinging nettle and cayenne look like they are in there using the philosophy that like cures like.

There's a danger in this, insofar as many of the socioeconomic conditions that led up to the crisis remain unresolved or have even worsened in some respects, which means greater political tension and potential for crises; on the other hand revolutionary change is notoriously difficult to manage which is why no developed country has so far attempted to grasp that particular nettle.

Given we are still seeing more security issues with Rails, shouldn't the developers down tools for 5 mins to stop with the shiny-shiny, and maybe rewalk the codebase, the dependencies they set, and review things?Yes, they are quick to band-aid the overall problem, and push out yet another version bump, but, no one other there seems to really grasp the nettle and admit too much auto, too much magic, too much opinionated design has meant a framework with more holes than swiss cheese.

Nettle definitions


any of numerous plants having stinging hairs that cause skin irritation on contact (especially of the genus Urtica or family Urticaceae)


sting with or as with nettles and cause a stinging pain or sensation

See also: urticate


cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations; "Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me"; "It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves"