Neoplasm in a sentence as a noun

It is mostly in the 4th through 6th decades when these malignant neoplasms are discovered.

When a doctor says you have a "malignant neoplasm on the trachea", he is being precise, not obfuscatory.

We don't generally treat neoplasms, because we get lots of them, most are of no consequence, and treatments are damaging.

My mother was recently diagnosed with a myeloproliferative neoplasm, and has been reading & connecting online with great vigor since.

Prepare for "Click on all images showing intraductal papillary biliary neoplasm".

The CDC more generically says "malignant neoplasms" - cancer - is about 55% as likely as as unintentional injury for the ages of the children in the report.

Neoplasm definitions


an abnormal new mass of tissue that serves no purpose

See also: tumor tumour