Neigh in a sentence as a noun

Then it would swim over and nuzzle its neighbor.

The 83+/84+ has good software and is neigh indestructible.

That's where the neigh-religious "if we just leave it be, the invisible hand will guide the market" talk comes from.

So you can point out corruption, but when you want somebody to act on it, its so far neigh impossible to see action.

Neigh in a sentence as a verb

Especially nowadays, where today's hot skill can be neigh useless tomorrow.

The system included larger aerostats called nurse drones that would cruise around dumping large amounts of power into randomly selected pods all over the grid, which would then distribute it to their neigh- bors.

So, the end is neigh, we're all doomed... and also, the government sucks?There must be some point to this article beyond the fear mongering... but somehow I'm completely missing it.> So, fast forward a few centuries from now, what will the world look like?You tell me... Where is the data?

Especially for GUI code, which tends to have lots of stuff doing relatively straight-forward things, the [soSomethingWithaThing:thing otherThing:otherThing frob:someFrob]\n\nstyle of method naming, while verbose, is awesome -- the code is extremely easy to read, and it's well-neigh-impossible to get bugs by mixing up the method order.

Neigh definitions


the characteristic sounds made by a horse

See also: nicker whicker whinny


make a characteristic sound, of a horse

See also: nicker whicker whinny