Needs in a sentence as an adverb

- can be "Programmable" to the extent that it needs to be. You don't have to start with code.

I also seem to recall Richard Branson saying that he "needs his 8 hours."

Yes, Stallman's a loon - although as an aside I think that every good movement needs its loons. Who's going to say "you know what?

The Internet needs to send a message back, and force her resignation in disgrace.

, or any person who needs to connect remotely and type some magic. So I googled for "ssh client", found your page, and you're telling me who uses ssh clients.

She needs to feel what it's like to be in a no-win situation herself, with the choice being resignation or getting fired. That is only way that prosecutors across the land will get the message: that this was wrong.

Sometimes, Google exits markets for reasons that are unclear to many, and it needs to tangibly remedy that perception.

I can see where that is coming from, but the main factor that needs to be taken into account is the kind and scale of poverty that exists in India. In India we say that if you have two meals a day, and a roof over your head, you're already rich!

But every drug or device or surgery needs someone to be first, and a few brave risk takers could both benefit their own health and push humanity forward. After all, we have thousands of people dying for futile risks in various foreign wars.

Our skills needs also track the market, because we have to play on our clients turf. Consultancies running in steady state have an especially direct relationship between recruiting and revenue.

Like any scale-orientated PaaS, we can provide the infrastructure to enable you to scale but your code needs to work in partnership to fully achieve that. As Sean, my head SysAdmin wrote on a ticket to you, some of your pages were performing a sort on 188590 rows in memory each time.

The idea here is to spend the most time with candidates who might potentially work out and wasting as little time as possible on those that probably won't; - the problem with these kinds of whiteboard coding problems is that the tendency is for interviewers to think the problem needs to be "hard". It doesn't.

Maybe I have a family member who needs special medical care, or - **** it - maybe I just want to cash out, fly to Scotland, and spend the rest of my life looking for a 6' tall, redheaded supermodel with a Scottish accent to marry. In any case, no, you don't get to tell me that I failed, if I choose to pursue what matters to me.

So essentially you're proud of stealing huge amounts of money from a fund set up by people for a specific purpose, and then you channel this money to suit your own needs while claiming moral superiority? You know, even if the money you stole for "the little children OMG think of the children" really reaches the intended recipients, which it probably won't if this is a typical 3rd world development fund, you still betrayed everybody's trust and you're actually proud of it.

Needs definitions


in such a manner as could not be otherwise; "it is necessarily so"; "we must needs by objective"

See also: inevitably necessarily