Necrophilia in a sentence as a noun

Have you ever fantasized about child porn, fat porn, necrophilia, etc.?

This isn't to say I think necrophilia shouldn't be a crime, but that where the harm is done is somewhere other than the knee-jerkers think it is.

What else never dies is necrophilia in software , apparently people are addicted to declaring software dead prematurely.

Assuming this makes any news outside the tech space, I'd be curious to see what comes out -- "President Obama answering questions on website affiliated with necrophilia" ?

Not only that, but this man is reliably reported to practice nepotism [necrophilia] with his sister-in-law and he has a sister who was once a thespian [lesbian] in wicked New York.

"prostitution, adultery, necrophilia, bestiality, possession of child pornography, and even ****** and pedophilia,"[129][130] Stallman wrote that those "should be legal as long as no one is coerced.

I was wondering: is Microsoft that has this kind of corporate necrophilia - an urge to associate with dying companies, or dying companies that have an urge to associate with Microsoft, seeking some, any, leverage they can use to survive?

If a case can be made for justifying cosmetic harvesting beyond the will of the departed, it doesn't seem drastically more extreme to propose an industry for necrophilia or necro-voyeurism or any other taboo having only ideological consequences.

A direct quote of RMS from his website[0]:The nominee is quoted as saying that if the choice of a sexual partner were protected by the Constitution, "prostitution, adultery, necrophilia, bestiality, possession of child pornography, and even ****** and pedophilia" also would be.

Assuming this makes any news outside the internet, I'd be curious to see what comes out -- "President Obama answering questions on new technology associated with necrophilia AND child porn".I'm being snarky, but it's comments like the one you just made which are echo-chambered into "there is something wrong with communications medium X because it was once used by group Y".

I have found the opposite - by using a handle on a debate site, I've been able to float very taboo topics that have ended up being pretty illuminating and illustrative that I never would have engaged in if I was 'protecting my name and keeping away from the crazies'.One example was in an online debate about a report of necrophiliac abuse of cadavers in a funeral home.

Necrophilia definitions


an irresistible sexual attraction to dead bodies

See also: necrophilism necromania