Naughtily in a sentence as an adverb

Quoting comment I replied to: "Tell them they're naughy when they behave naughtily".

Perhaps better English might be "Tell them they're being naughty when they behave naughtily". That's the idea, and I don't see anything wrong with it.

Tell them they're naughy when they behave naughtily, tell them they're nice when they behave nicely. That sounds like a solid plan to me, and there's no reason to see why it would then be a problem to ask them to behave themselves.

Not so sure I want to try that, which is exactly the most fundamental conundrum I wanted naughtily to downplay here... ehehe...

This feels a little bit like a naughtily published zero-day exploit. I'm disappointed the post doesn't mention any appropriate disclosure to Apple prior to publication.

Naughtily definitions


in a disobedient or naughty way; "he behaved badly in school"; "he mischievously looked for a chance to embarrass his sister"; "behaved naughtily when they had guests and was sent to his room"

See also: badly mischievously