Naturalized in a sentence as an adjective

The last time I was brusquely asked if I was a natural born citizen or had been naturalized at some point.

Some have been naturalized, but a lot have simply bailed, because the national populations are quite hostile to them.

0 profit in the UK, 0 corporation tax due.> The reason they are kept offshore is because if the funds were naturalized back in the USA they would be double-taxed.

I imagine, if nothing else, non-naturalized immigrants have unique concerns and obstacles.

The US has been systematically confiscating passports from naturalized Yemeni citizens who go home to visit, leaving them stranded.

Naturalized definitions


introduced from another region and persisting without cultivation

See also: established


planted so as to give an effect of wild growth; "drifts of naturalized daffodils"

See also: naturalised