Naturalization in a sentence as a noun

I went through the same process - apart from the naturalization at the end, which I've got no desire to do.

As I understand naturalization it is a pointless question.

A naturalization paper from the late 1890s for an immigrant from Russia escaping the tyranny of the Czar.

"After some years one can apply for naturalization and gain full Latvian citizenship.

I might have a different opinion if Germany allowed dual citizenship through naturalization, but they don't.

Well theoretically, your birth or naturalization certificate is proof of citizenship, not a passport.

Non-English loanwords enter the English language by a process of naturalization, [...] there is a tendency for accents and other diacritics that were present in the donor language to be dropped [1].We have words with the same spelling but different meanings and pronunciations all the time - so called Heteronyms [2].

He was also involved in a legal battle[2][3] for naturalization which eventually lead to the landmark decision to allow "non-whites" to naturalize as US citizens.

Should international corporations who funnel their profits to offshore entities be treated as persons as well as having the speech protections of citizens?Citizens, by birth or going through the effort of naturalization have a bond to their nation.

Naturalization definitions


the quality of being brought into conformity with nature

See also: naturalisation


the proceeding whereby a foreigner is granted citizenship

See also: naturalisation


the introduction of animals or plants to places where they flourish but are not indigenous

See also: naturalisation


changing the pronunciation of a borrowed word to agree with the borrowers' phonology; "the naturalization in English of many Italian words"

See also: naturalisation