Myalgia in a sentence as a noun

Thanks for the downvote but where I live it's still not recognized and patients are either told it's a depression or some kind of fibroid-myalgia.

Chronic Lyme, fiber myalgia, and chronic fatigue are also mysterious illnesses that many people struggle with.

The first course of steroids they prescribed me wasn't long enough or strong enough: the hives never fully went away, and the myalgia came back as soon as I finished the prednisone.

The facility employees should never go to work with Covid-19 symptoms, including “fever, chills, cough, myalgia, runny nose, and headache”, regardless of the wedding.

The authors described a triphasic course with fever, myalgia early in week 1, and recurrent fever, hypoxemia, diarrhea, and shifting chest infiltrates in week 2.

....most of which are mild, and which accompany any virus:”According to Segura, who co-authored the study, the most common symptoms experienced by coronavirus patients were myalgia, headaches and dizziness.”And the truly killer quote:”Another large-scale study...showed that 90% of cases simultaneously experienced changes to, or the loss of, the sense of smell and taste.

Myalgia definitions


pain in a muscle or group of muscles

See also: myodynia