Mutative in a sentence as an adjective

And only useful if you use mutative OO style.

It's there to help you bridge with other existing mutative, stateful libraries in your stack - you know you have them.

Poster probably meant it makes writing non-mutative code easier.

It uses ES6 proxies to let you write normal mutative code in a callback, then applies the updates immutably.

The Java8 approach was to allow mutating functions on collections and then have lazy-non mutative stream api.

A query is something not mutative that returns information.

As a java8 dev, I don't think it's so hard to understand that map on a play promise is non mutative though - I'm not dropping requests for typesafe to change the api.

>However, there are good reasons to prefer a reduce operation over a mutative accumulation such as the above.

From the "bad news" section:> CX serializes all mutative operations which means it's flat at best if the workload consists of only mutations on the sequential object.

It's even more valuable, because ours uses Immer inside to let you write "mutative" immutable update logic instead of having to nest spread operators.

The single-dose model is designed to produce a significant response with a non-durable mutative result in the population.

But it doesn't matter - the wickedness of the temptation is too much.>The JS world is brimming with shiny component baubles: D3, Google Maps, Chosen, etc.>But they are salaciously stateful and mutative.

Frequently functional compilers produce highly mutative output from immutable inputs.

Adding imperative, mutative programming and an event-driven API only exacerbates the problem, increasing the amount of possible state sequences even further.

Mutative definitions


of or pertaining to or marked by genetic mutation