Murmur in a sentence as a noun

Isn't the "murmur" server that comes from Mumble free to use?

Samsung, for instance, came out with the Gear before the iWatch was even more than a murmur.

"Please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, 'If this isn't nice, I don't know what is'.

You have an interesting definition of "no one raises a murmur".

Occasional murmur of pain that continued to torment.

Murmur in a sentence as a verb

\nBefore the disclosures there was only a murmur of privacy violations that too only amongst the tech literate.

At age 60 a gradually increasing "murmur" led to a diagnosis of Aortic Ectasia[0], a stretching of the ring of muscle that is the base for the aortic valve.

For example, a zip file uses a CRC32 checksum to validate each file; git uses SHA1 to uniquely identify objects; CouchDB shard mapping uses a strategy based on CRC32... if git had used murmur, would that cause problems for it?

I like bitcoin as a robust, validated communication network with the currency function incentivizing its operation and creating noise to mask the murmur of its true purpose.

Murmur definitions


a low continuous indistinct sound; often accompanied by movement of the lips without the production of articulate speech

See also: mutter muttering murmuring murmuration mussitation


a schwa that is incidental to the pronunciation of a consonant


an abnormal sound of the heart; sometimes a sign of abnormal function of the heart valves


a complaint uttered in a low and indistinct tone

See also: grumble grumbling murmuring mutter muttering


speak softly or indistinctly; "She murmured softly to the baby in her arms"


make complaining remarks or noises under one's breath; "she grumbles when she feels overworked"

See also: mutter grumble croak gnarl