Mottle in a sentence as a noun

Not to mention that everything people watch on these TVs is compressed to into a mottled pastiche of ****.

Dark skinned people age well because their skin color conceals the effects of aging skin that you can see in light colored skin: mottle, precancerous lesions, and wrinkles

Mottle in a sentence as a verb

\n Presently the cosmical cloud was disrupted by the stress of its expansion in \n conflict with the mutual clinging of its parts, disrupted into many million \n cloudlets, the swarm of the great nebulae.\n\n "For a while these were as close to one another in relation to their bulk as \n the flocculations of a mottled sky.

Mottle definitions


an irregular arrangement of patches of color; "it was not dull grey as distance had suggested, but a mottle of khaki and black and olive-green"


mark with spots or blotches of different color or shades of color as if stained

See also: streak blotch


colour with streaks or blotches of different shades

See also: dapple cloud