Mother-of-pearl in a sentence as a noun

The egg is covered with fine gold inlay, and ornamented in lapis lazuli and mother-of-pearl.

The egg is covered with fine gold inlay and ornamented in lapis lazuli and mother-of-pearl.

Forget about fancy abalone or mother-of-pearl inlays and elaborate finishes.

Preparing their festival, they were naked, but covered with precious stones, pearls, necklaces, belts, bracelets, many jewels of gold, silver, and mother-of-pearl, wearing very rich feathers on their heads.

Reading Nabokov is to me the linguistic equivalent of eating ice-cream.> People of settled professions, calm oysters firmly attached to their native mother-of-pearl> A very strong bedside light, the lighthouse of my insomnias> the fluted and sonorous song of the blackbirds> Sometimes it’s a digression that turns into a drama in a corner of the narrative, or the metaphors of an extended essay that join up to form a new story.> I remember with what a shiver of delight, envy, and anguish I watched on the television screen man’s first floating steps on the talcum powder of our satellite and how I despised all those who maintained it wasn’t worth the expense of billions of dollars to walk in the dust of a dead world.> One must draw everything one can from words, because it’s the one real treasure a true writer has. Big general ideas are in yesterday’s newspaper.

Mother-of-pearl definitions


the iridescent internal layer of a mollusk shell

See also: nacre