Mosh in a sentence as a verb

Enjoy trying to mosh in your own living room. :-P

It's a replacement in the sense that, whenever you'd type 'ssh', you should type 'mosh' instead.

Note to self: "brew install mosh" installs a scheme implementation.

If you're willing to sell "just use screen" as an answer for auto-reconnecting, why not "just use screen" with mosh?

That's what I do, and I don't have any trouble with point 3 -- I just open a new mosh connection, and reattach my existing screen session.

Reading about mosh on its excellent website,\nI always leave with a profound feeling of enthusiasm.

I also run a mosh-capable Irssi Connectbot fork on the phone[2].It's a massive improvement, fixing many of the little annoyances of ssh.

The latency mitigation feature are overrated or even annoying, and it seems many people actually just want mosh for "easily auto-reconnecting mobile shell", something you seriously can solve very well with a very short shell script and no special server-side logic.

Mosh definitions


dance the slam dance

See also: slam thrash