Monolingual in a sentence as a noun

Have you fallen in love with a woman who's monolingual in a language you don't speak?

I set out to learn Spanish almost exactly one year ago, deciding it was ridiculous to be monolingual in a world of thousands of languages.

I'm monolingual and not throwing any stones, just staying that in the legal arena this is not an unreasonable criticism.

I think OP is referencing the fact that most Americans are monolingual, and that we place a low priority on languages in our educational system.

Monolingual in a sentence as an adjective

There was a mac program I used some years back called monolingual that would remove other languages, you know because I'll never need my laptop to work in Farsi, and thin the binary architectures.

This resulted in oddities like a monolingual Anglophone being elected in a riding that is 80 percent monolingual Francophone.

My native language is General American English, and I grew up in what was essentially a monolingual immediate family and neighborhood of English speakers, although both of my parents had had some instruction in other languages.

Monolingual definitions


a person who knows only one language


using or knowing only one language; "monolingual speakers"; "a monolingual dictionary"