Molting in a sentence as a noun

Think of a spider shedding its dead skin after molting.

99% this thing didn’t actually die but was simply molting, it can appear dead for 4-8 weeks!

Crabs are eaten whole, shell and all, in the US - just only right after molting when they are called "soft-shell crabs.

Eggs are cheap because layer hens have been bred to produce several times their natural number off eggs combined with other practices like forced molting that increase production.

In Paris if I recall correctly.> So why does Gurdjieff say "the sacred Rascooarno" and not "death"?To distinguish it from the current concept of death, which is very different. the sacred Rascooarno is a natural molting of the physical body, like a kind of second birth, and life carries on in the second and third being bodies.

Someone more logistically astute than I am could come up with a "molting" approach where you first cover the area with tents, then as you build things you remove the previous layer and replace it with a more improved layer.

Molting definitions


periodic shedding of the cuticle in arthropods or the outer skin in reptiles

See also: molt moult moulting ecdysis