Misrepresent in a sentence as a verb

I'm concerned I will see her next year and she'll misunderstand or misrepresent a comment of mine!

Sometimes, he tries to misrepresent\nhimself as our CEO and sometimes he posts as himself.

Since they're not likely to approve my comment on their blog, here's what I said:"Way to misrepresent[1] vector clock usage in Riak!

I'm pretty sure if you misrepresent yourself that blatantly time and time again you deserve what is coming to you.

I'm skimming quickly for the gist, and certainly didn't intend to misrepresent its contents.

In doing so, they subtly misrepresent Chinese industry by omission.

Someone might even come along and say, hey, as long as it pays for the heating, it's good for everyone, right?Also, I think you misrepresent Raganwald's point.

If something was said that was not on the evidence records and somehow misrepresent the situation I'd assume that Samsung lawyers would jump on it.

I understand the competitive nature of trying to get your submission on the front page, but it's sort of frustrating to see the rising number of submissions that misrepresent the articles they link to.

TechCrunch and other sites making such false claims can not be considered reputable news sources because of their propensity to intentionally misrepresent such matters.

Greenwald's critique of Wired Magazine has drawn a response from that magazine which suggests that Greenwald is writing disingenuously: "At his most reasonable, Greenwald impugns our motives, attacks the character of our staff and carefully selects his facts and sources to misrepresent the truth and generate outrage in his readership.

Misrepresent definitions


represent falsely; "This statement misrepresents my intentions"

See also: belie


tamper, with the purpose of deception; "Fudge the figures"; "cook the books"; "falsify the data"

See also: fudge manipulate fake falsify cook wangle