Mirage in a sentence as a noun

Only then can they hope to see how his proof is supposed to work, and be able to check carefully that a proof is really there, not just a mirage.

He initially used that mirage as a wedge to remove old power structures... and then replaced them with his own Islamist versions.

It remains to be seen whether we can effectively temper human desires and spread that wealth and not end up in dystopia, but please don't try to blame things on a secret elite directing a carefully created system - it's a mirage and is not helpful.

For this reason:" I predict that the very same people now hyping D-Wave will turn around and—without the slightest acknowledgment of error on their part—declare that the entire field of quantum computing has now been unmasked as a mirage, a scam, and a chimera.

Mirage definitions


an optical illusion in which atmospheric refraction by a layer of hot air distorts or inverts reflections of distant objects


something illusory and unattainable