Minutia in a sentence as a noun

Trick questions and minutia don't serve that purpose at all.

You have to zoom out to see the bigger picture and zoom in to address the minutia.

I don't want to be that guy who points out minutia, but the title alludes to a news event that isn't true.

Surely the minutia of the problem will respond to our passion.

It has been so easy, over the last few years, to become jaded with politics and our society and the minutia of technology.

It became clear that unless we addressed this content with a new rule, we were going to continue to drown in the minutia of what is child pornography, and what is not.

To my incredible surprise, the guy managed to sink me down in incredible ridiculous minutia discussion of what I was going to do.

But they are not free to imagine that they have the entire object graph available to them to manage to the minutia at all times, and the ramifications of this loss on a group working solely in the model must be great, and I haven't seen them yet. I see storm clouds looming on that side of this tradeoff.

I never understood the fascination with asking an applicant about minutia of data structures and algorithms.

It's possible, but it's tricky, especially with stack randomization and the other minutia of slightly different configs.

Sure it's 'fun' but why bother?At the same time in interviews I have been asked minutia about the java object system etc, and all I can think of is if this matters your doing something horribly wrong.

Unfortunately we don't have standards in place for "click to upgrade" or "slide to unlock" and potentially thousands of other tiny patents that cover the minutia of operating systems and software.

The minutia of actual line management wasn't bad as long as there was a good team, but I definitely underestimated the people skills, budgeting, planning, and politics that goes along with being a good manager.

The other reviewers were caught up in the minutia of the paper, and missed the forrest for the trees: the method itself was more than a worthy enough contribution to the field to be accepted, and they were arguing about significance of the results.

After writing software for decades, I still have no idea whether these circumstances were predictable let alone preventable, but perhaps they could have spent more time considering the minutia of the system writing more tests or whatever.

Minutia definitions


a small or minor detail; "he had memorized the many minutiae of the legal code"