Mincing in a sentence as an adjective

Dear writers: please stop mincing oaths and just write "*******".

Maybe I'm mincing words but there is a corollary here too.

I agree with the others, too, no point in mincing words, as you have done for him.

You're mincing words and still getting the definition of legal tender wrong.

Without mincing the semantics of that, let's say you receive free-form NL query as input.

How about we stop mincing around and make some gut-wrenching modifications?

Anybody who hasn't run barefoot all their life is likely to adopt a conservative, mincing gait.

When people mince economics and engineering this way it reminds me of christian scientists or something mincing god and empirical facts.

> most of the people commenting on the NSA story on HN say things that make it clear that they believe NSA continues to have the direct access to Google's systemsYou're mincing words.

A controversial, sensational story that isn't "unassailable" and was shown to be very questionable should have been withdrawn without mincing words.

I'm accused upthread of "mincing words" but would respond by arguing that any attempt to characterize the process in this post as "direct access" is a much finer mince; a brunoise of words, if you will.

Mincing definitions


affectedly dainty or refined

See also: dainty niminy-piminy prim twee