Mimesis in a sentence as a noun

At the same time, I can see the will to power idea working together with Girard's mimesis idea. The slaves want to be like the masters.

I've heard it argued pretty convincingly that the birth of photography is the root cause of the death of mimesis in art.

I also didn't know what "mimesis" meant, and although it sounds fancy I don't think it added anything. I guess I am not the intended audience of this article.

> It also looks like the decline of Christianity in modern society leads to stagnation and mimesis. I'm doing fine without it.

It also looks like the decline of Christianity in modern society leads to stagnation and mimesis.

Are they a form of deceptive mimesis, imitating research in pursuit of resources? Does ignorance of the domain of knowledge ever have a value?

I also think "mimesis" is the wrong word. They aren't imitating research, they are applying their real actual research and analytical skills in pursuit of resources.

Is mimesis really the issue here? The imagination/appropriation problem is only one if one assumes the reader is naively taking the author's world for truth.

It also looks like the decline of Christianity in modern society leads to stagnation and mimesis. It certainly hasn't led to economic decline, we have never been so wealthy.

Children do not learn from principles, they learn from example and mimesis and play and repetition. You have much to learn about human beings, and until you learn to lighten up and be constructive in the world, you will remain grouchy, unhappy and unfulfilled.

Was mimesis about modeling physical appearance or understanding the underlying principles? I can see how photography is a shortcut for the former, but it seems worse for the latter.

His overarching idea is humans are fundamentally creatures of mimesis, and whether we realize it or not all our desires are born out of mimic the desires of those around us. We don't think critically about what we actually want, we just sub-consciously mimic each other's desires - which ultimately leads to conflict.

Mimesis definitions


the imitative representation of nature and human behavior in art and literature


any disease that shows symptoms characteristic of another disease


the representation of another person's words in a speech