Metrical in a sentence as an adjective

We have the metrical system since the 19th century.

The internet seems sure that "octameter" is a "metrical foot", which in this context is quite a pun.

Also in sonnets starting a line with trochee-iamb is so common you might want to accept that as metrical too. Does it use punctuation as hints?

The idea was to give scholars a search box with a regex-like syntax for finding lines in a corpus matching metrical features.

Once we start decimalizing our metrical system it becomes very regular to work with many different measurements in a consistent way.

Besides the points already mentioned by other commenters I'd say imperial units all over instead of metrical system being used was a big let down to me for using the site.

> non-metrical contextsHow do you get a geometric algebra without at least a pseudo-Riemannian metric?

I don't understand how space exploration in the US is an "interest" rather than a commitment of $20 billion per year to something other than infrastructure, public health and anti-poverty programs... and I prefer Gil Scott-Heron's more metrical "yea, no" on the question.

He managed to take Newton's gravity, a dash of Bolztmann's atomic hypothesis & statistical mechanics, a pinch of Riemann's non-euclidean metrical ideas, and notice the very staggering pattern that Lorentz transforms and Minkowski space on paper exactly match how gravity appears to work, even with relaxing Newton's assumption of a single, universe-wide, unchanging space-time.

Metrical definitions


based on the meter as a standard of measurement; "the metric system"; "metrical equivalents"

See also: metric


the rhythmic arrangement of syllables

See also: measured metric