Mesmerise in a sentence as a verb

The sheer beauty of the language still mesmerises me.

As a young kid, I was mesmerised by it. Matthew Brodrick saved the world, got the girl and got to play with the coolest tech at the time.

I was mesmerised by this book as an undergrad and spent night after night devouring every page.

At the time I was completely mesmerised by the experience, it was immersive, it almost felt real.

The canvas has an idiotic stare and mesmerises some painters so much that they turn into idiots themselves.

Does it show how easily dysfunctional evil can mesmerise the population into allowing it to govern, or is it proof that many people are putting up a damn tough fight to make sure that evil does not flourish and take root?

I saw the Aurora Borealis once whilst flying from the US to the UK - I happened to wake up and look out the window at just the right time and was absolutely mesmerised, just stared and stared until our heading changed and it was no longer in sight.

I too have many fond memories of Knoppix I discovered it in the 11th grade; I remember being mesmerised by the rows of multi-coloured console text at boot up with that cool rotating carat and all the badass software it came default with- like ettercap and Wireshark.. What a script kiddie I was, lol.

Mesmerise definitions


attract strongly, as if with a magnet; "She magnetized the audience with her tricks"

See also: magnetize mesmerize magnetise bewitch spellbind


induce hypnosis in

See also: hypnotize hypnotise mesmerize