Merge in a sentence as a verb

It doesnt matter whether people are kind and let cars merge in front of them, zipper-style.

The first time I did a git merge on a huge project I was like "whoa, it's done already?

Git is consistent: a merge will always produce the same result for the same files.

Yes, if you prepend and postpend identical text, a 3-way merge can get confused.

But the reason why git has chosen this result is that Linus wanted merges to be fast.

Some projects expect rebased patches, some prefer proper merges.

There are several reasons for that:- Nibs are a nightmare when working with version control and merge tools.

By "triple check": have a process by which three signoffs are required to merge any such code into the deployment branch.

Before doing so, I want to merge in the recent changes from the remote master, so I do the familiar git pull.

* "Burden of VCS maintainance pushed to contributors" First of all, nobody says that contributors have to merge.

And since git doesn't invoke its extra resolution magic unless the merge fails, the "wrong" result, at least according to the darcs folks, can happen.

The Office addin installer can be put as a merge module into an MSI, that will make the overall install experience much slicker.

I also wondered what the heck the "Synchronize" button does, so once again, I referred to the blog post. It performs what they call a "smarter version of pull --rebase && push that reduces merge commits but doesn't rewrite your merges".

That video explanation made no sense to me. Basically the "interface" presented to the drivers has not changed, so why would drivers deviate from how they currently merge?

Things like rebasing, remote branch tracking and push/pull, merge conflict resolution, stash management, and reverts are straightforward concepts!

In practice, a quick trial compile check of the sources before you finalize the merge will solve the problem, and that way you don't have to start adding language-specific semantic parsers for C++, Java, etc.

When these companies merge, buy other companies out, or execute reverse takeovers, there's always talk of "brand synergies" and all of the business advantages of having one set of products associated with another.

If you have to examine every single intermediate node to figure out what might be going on, merges would become much slower, since in real life there will be many, many more intermediate nodes that darcs would have to analyze.

You can't rewrite history when history is replicated along several repos.- modifying the working directory is an expected result; of debatable usefulness, namely in the face of the behaviour of hg/monotone/darcs/other_dvcs_predating_git, but again not intrinsically bad.- pausing to review others' work is needed for a merge, again an expected behaviour on git pull- making it hard to rebase against a remote branch is good.

Merge definitions


become one; "Germany unified officially in 1990"; "the cells merge"

See also: unify unite


mix together different elements; "The colors blend well"


join or combine; "We merged our resources"

See also: unite unify